OIML - International Organization for Legal Metrology
The Bureau International de Métrologie Légale (BIML) is the Secretariat and Headquarters of the OIML.
It coordinates technical work undertaken by OIML Technical Committees and Subcommittees, organizes OIML Conference and Committee Meetings, and manages the finances of the Organization.
It implemented and maintains the OIML Certificate System and the Mutual Acceptance Arrangement (MAA).
The BIML publishes OIML Recommendations, Documents, Vocabularies, Guides, Expert Reports and the Bulletin.
Liaisons are also maintained with International, Regional and National bodies in order to promote legal metrology globally.
Technical Committee 12 (follow link, select TC12 then Technical Committee) - Instruments for measuring electrical quantities
IR46 - Active Energy Meters is about to be approved. IR46 forms the basis for international coordination of standards for electricity meters.